Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Diet and anti-ageing pill - important new thoughts

Like so many widely publicised drug company ideas, the new anti-ageing ideas mentioned in a post recently have already come under doubt.

It is now claimed that the rats concerned in the original work, dieted becuase they were now too stressed out, according to Vaishali Bakshi and Ned Kalin, who found CRF2 receptors in a single brain region, the lateral septum, mediate both feeding and behaviors associated with stress, thereby suggesting the protein may not be an ideal therapeutic target. So the rats get stressed out and so do not eat so much, too busy with checking syndrome, excessive grooming etc. Brief details here and here.

Backshi says in Neuroscience Sept 26, ""We're refuting a global statement that CRF2 stimulation reduces ingestive behavior without eliciting stress-like effects."

IMO: There seem to be some serious doubts raised about the eventual potential use to humans about this treatment.

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