Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sri Lanka Chaos

The Asian Human Rights Commission firmly hopes that sober reasoning and political wisdom will prevail in Sri Lanka and the impending creation of a chaotic and catastrophic environment that will affect the lives of the people in Sri Lanka for their entire future will be prevented..

Others say there will be chaos.

A committee said Chief Justice Bandaranayake had not declared details of 20 bank accounts and had purchased a property and then taken control of cases involving the company that sold the property. She was also found to have a conflict of interest because she had supervisory powers over judges in a corruption case against her husband, a former state bank chairman.  In simple terms, they say it looked like Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake had mulcted a lot of public funds.

IMO: I am rather left with the feeling that there is a possibility that none of the people involved can be trusted, neither impeachers nor impeachees. And yet some recent international report placed Sri Lanka as a better place to live than India. I definitely doubt that.

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