Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Recent Pakistani aggression against Kashmir

The current Kashmir position arose because of the lenience of earlier Congress Party governments towards Pakistani action on Kashmir. Earlier Congress governments acted to save their own skins at the expense of the Indian people.

The UPA Government must at least now reconsider its strategy of engaging with Pakistan through the series of dialogues that it had suspended for a while after the 26/11 incident. The Government had back then faced considerable flak for restarting the dialogue (call it ‘composite' or by whatever name) despite the fact that Islamabad had done nothing to bring the perpetrators of the terrorist attack to justice. That was a big mistake on New Delhi's part. It's time to correct that. If this is the price that the country has to pay for persisting with its peace initiative with a recalcitrant neighbour, it's not acceptable. Unless India sends that message across strongly through action, and not mere words, nothing will change.

Is Manmohan Singh now a secret agent for the BJP ? That would be bad, as so often BJP have a larger bark than their bite.

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