Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Care of the elderly in the UK

Today’s report has uncovered dozens of examples of appalling care provided by home helps.

IMO: In fact it is much worse than this, and with Cameron's cuts it will get worse still. Three times recently the UK people tried to kill me and have stolen a lot of money from me. And the swindling MPs and the jobsworths are much worse. I'm glad I am temporarily obliged to be outside the UK. and thank god I do not need a home help, I know about them too.

Here is a selection of the most harrowing, taken from the Daily Mail, and details also appear throughout the UK media:

Health And Safety Left OAP To Starve

An able-bodied, healthy 32-year-old female care worker stood and watched a 76-year-old woman with advanced cancer struggle from the lounge to the kitchen to microwave a meal, as the home help said she could not to do it ‘because of health and safety’ – although apparently this did not preclude the worker from dishing up the microwaved meal on to a plate.

78-year-old Pushed Back Into Her Chair

One 78-year-old woman described her treatment at the hands of carers: ‘Most of the girls were nasty; they were rough. Rather than say “sit in the chair”, they’ d push me back into the chair, and I didn’t like that. I couldn’t do anything about it. I can’t even walk – they know you’re vulnerable.’

Grim: The report said that pensioners don't complain about shoddy care because they fear the repercussions

Woman’s Weight Plummeted To 7st

An elderly woman’s weight went down to 7st because carers just left food beside her, even though she was physically unable to feed herself. She had Huntingdon’s disease, which means she needs an hour to swallow her meal and has to ingest 4,000 calories a day – but carers would simply plonk the food down and rush off to the next appointment.

Patient In Her 90s Put To Bed In Afternoon

One woman in her 90s was put to bed at 2.45pm because that fit in with the carer’s time slot.

Man Made To Shower In Front Of Trainees

One man, aged over 65, found himself being showered in front of a room full of trainees. ‘I have MS and am very severely disabled, and feel my dignity is not being respected when I have several trainees observing quite an intimate routine,’ he said.

Elderly Mother Left In Filthy Bedding

The daughter of a woman in her 80s said: ‘For several weeks mum was not bathed or had her hair washed. One time, carers decided not to do any of her washing any more, even though it was on her care plan, leading to my mum being left in filthy nightwear and clothes and bedding.’

Carer Ignored Blind Man On Visits  

A care worker came round every morning to visit a deaf/blind man called Sam. She made him his breakfast and left it on the kitchen top – but never told him she was there, let alone that his breakfast was in the kitchen. Every morning, the breakfast went uneaten.

Dementia Patient’s Day Without Food

A woman with Alzheimer’s didn’t have anything to eat all day after a carer made her a sandwich, but simply put it in the fridge and told her to eat it at lunchtime. She forgot and did not have anything to eat until her daughter visited that night.

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