Saturday, October 01, 2011

Tory conspiracy of silence over serious poison epidemic in UK

250 people ill and one already dead – but the public has only been told now. After six months of investigation by the Health Protection Agency, which has only just acknowledged the outbreak, the infection has ultimately been linked to people handling loose raw leeks and potatoes in their homes.

Was the chair of the FSA told about the outbreak? And did the chair share that information with other board members? Were the board members responsible for the secrecy or were they kept in the dark? Or was the key decision in favour of non-disclosure taken by ministers in the Department of Health? Until those questions are answered, and the policy culture changed, public confidence in UK food safety policymaking will revert to its longstanding downward trend.

IMO: Surely Mr.Cameron's 'cuts' could be implemented on these useless jobsworths. And how about 'cutting' the overpaid nurses who actually refuse to wipe the arses of desperately ill OAPs. When I was in hospital relatively recently in the UK, the complaints about that sort of thing certainly seemed true, and worse. I remember my father dying on the NHS and he never had any sympathy, and now things have got worse still

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