Monday, July 25, 2011

Poor old Rupert is in 'complete denial' says senior policeman

Rupert Murdoch is attempting to dodge responsibility for the News of the World phone hacking scandal, a leading police officer has claimed.

Sir Hugh Orde told the BBC :" told the BBC: “You saw the Chief Officer of the police service of this country, Sir Paul Stephenson, saying, 'Look this happened on my watch. I am responsible ... I am resigning.' Compare that to Rupert Murdoch – complete denial of any responsibility of his organisation.”

IMO: This seems to be because the Police have a responsibility to the general public. Murdoch, however, can decide to do whatever he fancies. The Police are employed for various reasons, and one of them is to jail people when they break the law. So if Murdoch has seriously broken the law, and his known 'wilful blindness' and related factors seem to indcate he has, then he should be jailed ASAP. Whether his partying friends like Judge Leveson will jail him, is another matter. But like the police, Leveson has a duty to the public, and if he does not jail Murdoch, he also should be jailed.

Is the corruption in the UK now so bad that none of these worthless fellows will be jailed ?

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