Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The NHS is spending £20 on loaves that cost £2 in the supermarket

Gluten provokes painful inflammation of the bowel in people who have an immune-response allergy to the protein, found in wheat, rye and barley products. The condition is known as coeliac disease.

The NHS is spending £20 on gluten-free loaves that cost £2 in the supermarket. Packets of gluten-free pasta were costing the NHS £11.54 per bag. Similar packs cost £2 in supermarkets.

The Govt say: “Work is now under way to identify savings that can be made in reducing the number of gluten-free products prescribed by the NHS.”

The chief executive of the charity Coeliac UK, said the high costs resulted from supply chains in the NHS. But made it clear that such items should still be available on prescription.

IMO: Obvious, isn't it ? First the Govt druggies spend NHS funds by corrupt bribes and practices. That level of overcharging comes from banana republic levels of corruption. Then they try to cover for themselves simply by depriving sick people of their due remedies. And say they have to do it because of the 'cuts' due to corrupt banking. And Cameron's misguided 'privatisation' will merely make matters worse, he is only doing it because of the UKP700 million pound bribe his 'moat and duckpond' friends have trousered. What a crooked lot !

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