Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Indians expose astroturfing on Wikipedia

The practice of Astroturfing, referred to on the big blog BoingBoing, is the creation of "persona management" software to simplify the process of pretending to be several people at once online, in order simulate widespread support for a point of view.

Bangalore-based Kiran Jonnalagadda and Hans Varghese Mathews built Wiki Analysis. Here is how you can do it too, presumably people will take the trouble to set up a simple system in due course - or it may even have been done already.

IMO: I am afraid I have to say, as a BoingBoing correspondent commented: "makes you wonder just how "spontaneous" the facebook "revolutions" in those countries really were...". At any rate, Jewish "megaphone diplomacy" has been notorious for years, whatever one's views on Israel.... and who may have joined the bandwagon now - Gadaffi, Glenn Beck,even Rupert Murdoch - its anyone's guess, but hopefully the whistles will be blown.

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