Friday, February 04, 2011

No UK funding for Muslim groups that fail to back women's rights

Cameron warns Muslim groups that if they fail to endorse women's rights or promote integration, they will lose all government funding. All immigrants to Britain must speak English and schools will be expected to teach the country's common culture.

IMO: Sounds a fair comment in a democracy. It should also save money. Perhaps spin-doctoring for Cameron will improve now he has sacked Coulson. After all even Rupert doesn't want Coulson back, for sure.

Muslims4UK described Cameron's speech as "deeply patronising". He said: "The overwhelming majority of UK Muslims are proud to be British and are appalled by the antics of a tiny group of extremists."

IMO: Hm, I wish it were so. But extremist groups, particularly religious ones like Catholics, atheists and Muslims, so often seem to have their heads in the sand like dodos in a way which is hardly to their advantage. Whilst I would deplore, as much as any Muslim would, the high level of drunken promiscuity of many young white English people, particularly females, sticking bags over women's heads etc etc does not seem to be the answer. A return to decent British values is probably what is needed.

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