Monday, February 14, 2011

The Big Society

Tony Blair, who has come close to endorsing the government's deficit reduction plans, gave a guarded response. Asked about the big society on Sky News, the former prime minister said: "We will wait and see what it actually means."

IMO: Good idea from Blair, and unfortunately the present signs are totally unfavourable.

Sir Stephen Bubb, the chief executive of the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations, told the prime minister he welcomed the big society but raised concerns about cuts to charities.

Bubb added: "I have to say what is bad is what is happening to our charities and our voluntary organisations. You have a passion. I have a passion for charities and when I see them cut, the work they do in vulnerable communities cut, that is bad.

"Much of this is coming from local councils. I think you need to think about how you say to local councils [that] the cuts they are making are disproportionate, they are hurting disadvantaged communities."

IMO: I do NOT welcome the Big Society. Both churches and charities will suffer, and are suffering now. Universities are likely to suffer, and but there are gains for greedy bankers like Sir Ronald Cohen, now a Tory supporter it seems, and of course a 'banker'. There also seem to be virtually no grounds, a lot of political spivvery by bankers and a few gays and nothing significantly positive to come. The idea seems to be to benefit the rich and destroy the poor. Some of these people seem to be seeking a "very British Adolf Hitler" to run the country. They can find their own consequences, read Maritain and others to see what happened in 1930s France. "Hang the (top) bankers" may be going too far yet. "Hang effigies of the (top) bankers" - Certainly.

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