Saturday, February 05, 2011

Assange - how much information has he really got ? "Put up or shut up".

Assange says he has a lot of Swiss bank records - when do we see them, if he does have really good ones ?

IMO: What we have seen so far is a bit  boring - lets have facts, if any. Traditionally, Bank of America has sometimes been said to be Mafia run - do Assange's records on the Bank show this ?

Further, Assange warned Murdoch: ‘We’ve got cables!’ Assange warned his former fellow Australian — and now alleged American citizen — Rupert Murdoch that’s he’s holding files on both 80 year old Rupert and his powerful News Corporation.

IMO: What I say is - lets see the files, if they exist at all. We went through all this stuff with Bush and Blair's "Weapons of Mass Distruction". These turned out not to exist after millions died amd Bush and Blair made their (additional) fortunes. I am tempted to say, rightly or wrongly, about Assange. "Put up or shut up" before News Corporation, using bribes to the UK Govt, obtains a further fortune for Rupert by his obtaining SkyTV. Rupert will just waste the billions, facts show it.

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