Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cartographic disputes

Yashwant on Dec 19 stated that as China showed Jammu Kashmir out of India's border, India should show some of China's territories as someone else's as he said, "this kind of cartographic aggression, there is no reason why we should also not do it."

"There are areas which China claims as its own and which we have always shown as part of the Chinese territory. There is no reason why we should not show it as somebody else's" asserted Yashwant.

IMO: This could show a very much smaller 'real' China, very much smaller indeed. Tibet for a start is obviously not part of China but was illegally annexed and it probably should not have been. One is minded of the former USSR. During a trip to Moscow during the Kruschev era, Russian citizens told me that they would rather not have the USSR as those foreign countries were costing them too much to run. Adharma brings bad karma, prehaps Chinese people will suffer the most. It reminded me of Salazar and others. Portugal lost its colonies almost 'naturally', and benefited as a result.

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