Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Willam Hague outed ??

Guido has ascertained confirmation that for at least one night during the general election campaign the Foreign Secretary shared a hotel room with his then driver Christopher Myers, whom he has now appointed as his Special Adviser on the Civil Service payroll. Other campaign staffers stayed in separate more modest hotels and sources suggest that this was not a one off instance. Guido believes it to be the case that it would be usual for the bill for the room – which was settled by Hague personally – to be reimbursed via the Conservative Party’s election campaign expenses.

IMO: Hmm, another case of Tory misuse of money ? We know over 200 OAP NHS  hospital patients starve to death every year, can't the Tories put right some injustices instead of fooling around like this and saying that they are 'cutting' which usually implies using party politics for doctrinaire methods to appease big business at the expense of the poor ?

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