Saturday, August 14, 2010

BBC propaganda again, it seems

BBC say "India has rejected a claim by British scientists that a new superbug, resistant to even the most powerful antibiotics, has entered UK from India."  Now there are headings like 'Lancet doesn’t publish rubbish, threat is real'. As you might guess, all this has led to a lot of complaints.

But the fact remains that the superbug was in fact reported first NOT IN THE LANCET (which did in fact see the Indian result and mentioned it) but by the P.D. Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre in Mumbai last year. The study was published in the Journal of the Association of Physicians in India (JAPI) in March 2010, with an accompanying editorial on the “worrisome” outcome calling for an end to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics.

IMO: As I have said before in this blog, UK hospitals are sometimes worse than disgustingly bad. On one occasion the filth in Charing Cross Hospital was so bad I was on the verge of vomiting. But I do think that whilst Indian hospitals often do not look too good on the outside, I have frequently found them much cleaner than UK ones on the inside, speaking just from the consumer side as a patient. One Indian hospital, not near where I reside in India, looked like a ruin falling down outside but was spotlessly clean with careful staff inside. UK hospitals are sometimes modern looking Seifert style buildings with excrement under the bed where the nurse cannot see it.

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