Saturday, July 03, 2010

The Shadow Of The Wind

"The Shadow Of The Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon is a well known book about - amongst other things - a ' Library of Forgotten Books' in Barcelona, set in about the Franco days. I vaguely assumed the Library was some kind of allegorical reference to some kind of fascist censorship of memory. I suppose in a sense it was. Today I heard a lecture by Zafon, who related that the library was actually based on the wonderful "Acres of Books" bookshop in Long Island, Los Angeles, which I, along with others who like books, used to go to and love before it closed down in 2009.

IMO: The bookshop 'Acres of Books', and its closure, are both so typical of California and Los Angeles, which both have facets which one likes and others which one regrets.

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