Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Porno shot in London hospital

A 'big budget' porn movie was shot in a London hospital that hired out one of its wards to a film company, it has emerged.

An MP disclosed "I understand, these things are no longer claimable on parliamentary expenses - it was a big-budget affair and generated substantial income for the hospital.... it cannot be said to be contributing to the objectives of the primary care trust (PCT)."

IMO: A few years ago I was obliged to spend a brief time in a London hospital and the revelation above does not surprise me. At the time, public-private-partnership methods were being used to reimburse elderly persons in cash when they had to go to hospital and I heard a number of youngish attractivish nurses offering to help the OAPs to spend their insurance money. So now we know how public-private-partnership methods work - often, not to the health benefit of patients.

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