Friday, July 09, 2010

Martyrdom on demand

The highly reputable Times of India obtained transcripts of a conversation between hardline Muslim separatists and mobs, exposing how they are trying to instigate violence in Kashmir.

"Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: You enjoy your salaries without doing anything for it.

Local Hurriyat activist, Shabir Ahmed: You have to understand the reason for it

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: Tell me

Local Hurriyat activist, Shabir Ahmed: The crowds get too big to handle at times. Lots of people join in and it's difficult to manage them

Hurriyat (G) leader Ghulam Mohd Dar: We want 10-15 more martyred."

IMO: Martydom on demand, eh ? These people certainly sound like Westminster politicians, who also enjoy their salaries, often without doing anything for it. Perhaps we should expect martyrdom from Westminster politicians.

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