Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ian Tomlinson death

Seems the police will face no charges, even though the Guardian newspaper provided appropriate videos, apparently showing a deliberate police bashing of an innocent bystander which seemingly led to his death.

IMO: In such circumstances, leaving aside any correct or generally received view on the matter, you can understand things like the Facebook derision over Moat, and certainly a lot of people wish the Coalition government could be outed. And even if this sort of thing has led to contempt at best for the coalition, still a decent Alternative Voting referendum could help us get rid of the criminal scum and troublemakers of the "Moat and Duckpond" coalition. Overall it should also assist any decent politicians left, by and large. But we have to doubt whether we will even get an acceptable or properly presented referendum. And whats more, most people would probably want to get out of the EU, and would like a fair referendum on that at the same time. Not a chance!

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