Wednesday, June 23, 2010


The key to rolling back the Taliban’s influence in Afghanistan was to make it irrelevant or discredited in the eyes of Afghan civilians. Clearly this makes McChrystal's attitude unacceptable. You really would think that someone with his reponsibilities could have kept his mouth shut.

Petraeus wouldn't have behaved that way at that time.

It's been clear for a long that McChrystal was an insubordinate, power-hungry general who sees Afghanistan as the place to prove himself and his theories right, and everyone else wrong.

IMO: It is rather a pity that these people are so self-serving. Truman sacked McArthur because he had done deals behind his back. Karzai gives such a good testimony of McChrystal that we have to draw our own conclusions. I hold no brief for Obama, but some Republican leaders have continually acted unpatriotically and wrongly so as to try to back him into a corner. The intelligensia must still have some respect for Obama who probably needs it. As I say, perhaps with drones and a much dirtier war that McChrystal can stomach

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