Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Diane Abbott again

Comments made on BBC Newsnight by Diane Abbott

On civil liberties, Diane Abbott says it is "tragic" that Labour has handed the issue to the Tories - ID cards were wrong, she says.

Diane Abbott says the DNA database idea is anything but "liberating" (as some claim) - young black boys in her Hackney constituency who are repeatedly stopped by police do not see it as liberating, for example. And she thinks the state should be bigger in some areas. Labour should look at a "wealth tax" before people start cutting jobs.


Diane Abbott - who did not nominate Gordon Brown for leader in 2007 - says some of those who did were quick to "stab him in the back" when things went wrong

Diane Abbott says she's been an MP twice as long as some rivals - four times as long as the two Eds, who were only elected in 2005. She became an MP in 1987.

She says she is the "turn the page candidate" who has stood up on the big issues - like the Iraq war.

Diane Abbott backs John Smith as greatest PM

IMO: Yes ! (probably).  But we can hope Diane Abbott may become greatest PM. She has already been on US TV (ABC News, as Britain's first black woman MP) and could maybe appear with Barack Obama to give him some positive, useful advice as she has been in politics longer than he has and should be the obvious UK PM designate. Maybe they could discuss Africa and pollution, etc. That sort of idea could be taken as a bit lefthanded but sounds fair to me.

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