Friday, May 21, 2010

Timms stabbing

From what we can tell, this seems to have been done by a 23 year old Muslim woman. Much more should be known of the facts, details and motivation before drawing any real conclusions but the young lady seems to have been upset at the time and until recently Timms was Financial Secretary to the Treasury, a position very closely related to both finance and taxation. Timms was probably a sensible and easy to locate target for the particular attack, which on the whole seems to have been carried out with some common sense, if it could be taken as reasonable. On the question of reasonableness, certainly Fred Goodwin, Andy Hornby and many similar characters have been subject to very many suggestions that they should be killed, and it is hardly necessary to emphasise that they seem to have been paid big money by such people as Timms.

IMO: The girl is lucky that Timms is not dead as she may have been jailed for much longer, and she will certainly be made a subject of public obloquy. This condemnation will often be carried out by the same Press and politicians who inspire such people in the first place, and who themselves are often and almost usually corrupt and base as their suggested victims. Papers like the sanctimonious Guardian may be more to blame than most, as many people have their own sense to place Press lobbies like Fox News.

IMO: But there are many further questions which need considering. For example the ultimate morality of the attempted assassination. One feels it might be regarded as reasonable as, say, a position to be held by Hitlerites assassinating a non-Aryan or by Roman Catholic pedophile priests who may wish to protect their hierarchy. That is not to condemn such groups without recourse but merely to point out that morality often is best to have a context for it to have obvious meaning. A further fact is the question of the fact that the assassination was carried out by a woman. Just last week, the experimental philosopher Jesse Prinz published an interesting article with many literature references, some of which deal with the subject of female morality. I won't go into details here but a lot more can be said.

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