Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sarah Ferguson

An article in the Guardian newspaper says that "a newspaper reported that 82% of their readers would rather sleep with a goat " than with Sarah Ferguson. But it seems from the same article that Sarah Ferguson is better looking than most women newspaper reporters of the same age. Go figure. This is just the sort of foolish rubbish people like Rupert expects us to pay for.

Also, the Telegraph says that the equalities minister (presumably part of a 'quango' that has not met the "axe" of the Tory grandees) says that Sarah is "shoddy and grubby" and does not need more money, though the NY papers claim she has been treated meanly.

IMO: Almost all the present UK MPs are shoddy and grubby, and should be dismissed, which is what the public wants. Let us hope that they are so big headed as to alter voting arrangements in a way which does not simply increase their own chances of election but votes them out altogether and replaces them with honest decent people. The UK MPs are so self-centred that this is actually just about possible.

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