Sunday, March 21, 2010

Obama's healthcare bill succeeds

The US healthcare system is the most costly in the world and reforming it has been a high priority for Barack Obama, the US president. The healthcare bill passed by the House of Representative on March 21 represents a big win for the president, but getting there has not been easy for Obama, elected in November 2008 with healthcare reform a major campaign pledge.

IMO: For all the many faults in the Obama regime, this could be the greatest US achievement in the last 40 years, allowing Obama to go down in history as a great US president, with Roosevelt and Truman. There are going to be many problems with implementation however, and one is minded of the wise comments of Leslie Chapman, whose views the UK tried rather badly to implement during the Thatcher years on many administrational matters, and also of the rather dismal failure of 'terrible Tony' and his largely failed public-private-partnership attempts. But the UK NHS somehow continues to exist, thanks to the wise and painstaking work of Beveridge many years ago, and even for the rather different USA situation, the Beveridge report still could provide some guidelines. We can only hope for the best, certainly this should be better than no healthcare reform, and if properly done could be marvellous.

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