Wednesday, March 24, 2010

George W. Bush mistakes Bill Clinton's shirt for toilet paper

George W. Bush and Bill Clinton were touring slums in Haiti, presumably to win votes, sponsor corruption, or some such thing. Bush apparently found something gross on his hand after one flesh-press, so he wiped off his palms on Bill Clinton's shirt.

Commenters point out : "That's disgusting. Who knows where Bill Clinton's shirt has been?"
"Can't provide a citation (too lazy) but I recently read about how Clinton pointed out that he & GW have become fairly good friends over the years. I can only imagine that it must mostly a case of having a shared experience of a pretty extreme sort; being king - err, sorry *president* - is not a job I'd accept".

IMO: I am minded of the 'former Presidents of Sierra Leone' conferences which have allegedly been frequently held in West African cities near Sierra Leone. Conakry from memory.

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