Wednesday, March 24, 2010

BJP accuses US of double standards on Headley

The Bharatiya Janata Party on Wednesday accused the US of double standards over Mumbai terror suspect David Headley and said he should be brought to India for interrogation. Headley has said that he attended terrorist camps in Pakistan.

BJP claim 'Pakistan has been and is an ally of the US. Our worry is that the US will not permit revealing anything that projects, in this case without a shred of doubt, Pakistan's involvement in perpetrating terror in the sub-continent. If India was indeed denied access to Headley, we shall not know about the roles played by the so called state and non-state actors (in Pakistan)'. 'On one hand it is telling India to stand with it against terrorism. And on the other (it is) providing regular support to Pakistan which has done nothing to stop terrorism against India from its soil.'

IMO: Unfortunately for Pakistan, UK experience of being an 'ally' of the US meant that the US drained the wealth of the British Empire for its own purposes during and after World War II, so that the US actually made a profit from the British over WW II. Pakistan is a failed state and the US vultures are swooping in for the kill. It will be good if social structures and education can be improved in Pakistan by US efforts, of course, and in particular the level of religious tolerance in Pakistan needs to be increased. Abdus Salam, in particular, complained to me that even he was being persecuted, apparently because he belonged to the 'wrong' caste or baraderi in Pakistan ! Certainly the US cannot be noted for religious tolerance either, and the UK seem to be trying to base new caste discrimination laws on the pattern of Indian caste discrimination law which was developed after the Brits had been thrown out of India. I would certainly recommend that any scientist who goes to Pakistan needs to be extremely wary - my old friend David Bohm's treatment during the fascist and racist McCarthy period in US is apparently nothing compared to what scientists could encounter in Pakistan, so whilst ANY improvement in the wretched place can only be good, I would not care to even set a foot on Pakistani soil right now. A lot of people in the USA do not realise that even Albert Einstein nearly got jailed during the US MacCarthy days, and intolerance seems to have no boundaries.

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