Saturday, February 27, 2010

US Nuclear Reactors, Dams at Risk Due to Global Warming

A fairly sensible article in National Geographic suggests that US nuclear reactors and dams are highly at risk from global warming. This seems to be largely due to the selfish so-called 'free enterprise' approach to long term planning.

IMO: I have blogged about this problem years ago, particularly as to US dams and similar infrastructure which are frighteningly planned for short term gain of individuals and anonymous corporations. Just as one could well argue that the worst side of communism was strongly exemplified by 'Uncle Joe' Stalin and more recently by Buddhaheb Bhattacharjee, you can pick hundreds if not thousands of self-styled capitalists in USA, and certainly not just cases like Madoff and Goldman Sachs. These characters have plundered the wealth of America and of the world. Many are dead now, but the world will go on paying.

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