Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Simon Singh

Obviously, I support Simon Singh's cause - with only quite small general reservations - against the chiropractors, but I only just discovered that he is Tom Singh's brother, and the family apparently own a £280 million pound stake in a supermarket chain.

On the other hand Singh probably had to be that rich to afford to sustain a reasonable case against the chiropractors who actually seem to be doing a lot of harm, and caused the problem. This matter should not be taking valuable court time and I hope serious journalistic and scientific comment is not stifled still further.

IMO: Overall, British law is a disgrace. I think I hired trial judge Sedley once for a very humble legal task - I am a humble person - before he got his present good job and he did not get useful results, so I hope he has improved since then. This matter is very bad. When the Lib Dem MP Susan Kramer can reasonably comment that you've got to take the government to court to even find out what their environmental policy is, then we have come to a pretty pass. What could be said of 'Carter-Ruck situations' has often been said before but at least things are not as bad as in USA. It is a sad example to send to the third world.

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