Monday, February 22, 2010

Gordon Brown is like Adolf Hitler ?

Some would say Tory propaganda is getting a bit out of hand to compare him with their "beloved Fuhrer, regrettably now deceased" as I've heard Hitler called by Tories..

Bloggers say : "There is nothing to justify (comparing) a man who exterminated more than six million people and started a world war leading to the deaths of many millions more with Gordon Brown".

IMO: I'm not yet sure. Obviously Brown is not a Tory, like some say Tony Blair amounted to, but he has not got it right either, and his economics are much worse those of Hitler. Hitler reasoned things out carefully and was highly ready to delegate authority. Also, with global warming anything but under control, maybe Hitler will be given a better ultimate obituary then Gordon Brown. I think Hitler is probably too good to compare with Gordon, though no way do I support Hitler.

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