Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Was Headley a CIA double agent?

Indian authorities suspect Headley to be a double agent who might have been planted as an agent in the CIA by the LeT itself.

One thing that has surprised the authorities here in India is that why the US agencies figured out Headley’s change of name from Daood Gilani as late as on February 15, 2006, in Philadelphia, when every Pakistani or Arab born citizen is double-checked after the 9/11 fateful twin tower attacks.

IMO: At any rate, visa regulations for American tourists wishing to visit India may soon be changed requiring them to take a 60-day break between each exit from India and re-entry. It seems to me that if the US were competent they should be using more drones and less troops. Anyway according to Wired magazine the US certainly seems to be messing up the Afghan war.

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