Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tory grandee du Cann & city character Tullett involved in UK airways scam

Margaret Thatcher former crony Du Cann chaired an advisory board, and Tullett was a member of the same group that crashed. Bruce Cartwright of Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), the Flyglobespan ’s administrator, has claimed that E-Clear had wrongly witheld tens of millions of pounds.

IMO: Not surprising to see former Thatcher crony Du Cann involved in fraud somehow. Many Africans take even Thatcher's own relatives to be petty crooks of a nasty kind and Tory policy under Cameron remains a policy for members of the wealthy upper-classes, like Tony Blair, who trample on the rights of the poor for personal profit.

Derek Tullett, now over 70, has been described by the Daily Mail as a Labor supporter. He certainly has paid the Labor party a lot of money, apparently at least £400,000, but this may have more to do with his desire to join the upper classes by trying for a knighthood, a fact which came out when he was investigated by the police in 2006 for corruption.

IMO: I would have normally said that these two have now totally smeared and tainted the Tory party - and to a much lesser extent Labor - but all Westminster parties already seem to have descended to the lowest level of corruption imaginable in a supposedly civilised country.

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