Saturday, September 05, 2009

Nigel Farage for Speaker ?

According to the Guardian, Nigel Farage (UKIP) should be presiding officer of the House of Commons.

Farage intends to oust Burcow at the next General Election, and who is to say that he will not.

Farage is a celebrated celebrated motor-mouth, ale-drinker extraordinaire, lap dance champion, Enoch Powell groupie, self-proclaimed non-racist (even if David Cameron did unfairly describe his party as a bunch of "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists") and wearer of possibly the finest pin-stripe in Europe?

Farage ruthlessly rooted out corruption in his own party – of 12 MEPs in the last European parliament, one (former policeman Tom Wise) was charged with money laundering and false accounting, while another (Ashley Mote) was jailed for benefit fraud in 2007. Farage has been tough but fair throughout his tenure at the party. Ukip's head of communications Clive Page has not commited a single act of benefit fraud since working for Farage.

IMO: Perhaps rather a joke but he might be no worse than the rest. Since he at least appears to look as if he is trying to reduce expenses for the crooked cabal of elected politicians, I hardly see the immediate point of the suggestion as the possible lack of free duckponds and moats means that the other politicians will presumably ensure he never becomes speaker.

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