Monday, September 28, 2009

Indiana prosecutor says she's duty bound to prosecute grandma who bought cold medicine

The lady seems to have bought two boxes of cold medication in less than a week, for her grandchildren's colds.

Well, the prosecutor seems to have realised that the lady was not some kind of mule in the crystal-meth cookery business, but stated "The public has the responsibility to know what is legal and what is not, and ignorance of the law is no excuse."

IMO: This clearly does not apply to US bankers, it seems, since they are 'masters of the universe' not just people purchasing cold medicines. But there will be matters even more generally applicable as the following shows:

A terrorist has recently tried unsuccessfully to blow up a Saudi prince with a bomb shoved up his ass. It has been said of the shoe bomber "Just be glad that he wasn't the underwear bomber." Now, sadly, we have an example of one.

Presumably the TSA will have to inspect all US air traveller's assholes at all US airports, just like people had to take off their shoes because of the shoe bomber.

IMO: It has been said that people will be less likely to travel by air because of global warming, furthermore in the UK it has recently been said that politicians take too many free air trips to holiday resorts at taxpayers expense, leaving behind constituency work. Most people will probably feel that members of parliament ought not to be exempt from this important inspection.

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