Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Witchcraft in the White House

According to TownHall, the US president Obama's mother-in-law now carries out her practice of witchcraft in the White House. Santeria cult, where they do spells and trances, and sacrifice animals, chickens and goats. Pres. Obama is not too happy about this, as he seems to fear it could be bad for his image.

IMO: I will not suggest that this may simply be a trial run for Obama's socialised medicine scheme, and I certainly hope that his scheme is not dumbed down that far by the ethical pharmaceutical manufacturers. (This is far from a joke, as the nutty 'alternative health' people are even forcing their nonsensical circulars into UK medical waiting rooms, and even poor Simon Singh has not yet got redress from the downright crooked UK law courts). At least Obama hasn't got Alzheimer's like Pres Reagan had, or a brother running a homosexual brothel like Pres. Carter had. US presidents often seem to be quite nutty (like Bush, Jr. or Reagan) or to have nutty relatives. In a way I wouldn't mind Michelle Obama's mum's activities (par for the course for the White House), as such activities seem almost traditionally African, but I do not like the animal slaughter and doubtless there are other problems.

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