Saturday, August 29, 2009

Murdoch's speech

IMO: First thoughts are that Rupert, in his way, was genuinely great, but the present Murdoch regime is stodgier than the BBC. With the latest Murdoch speech, we are hopefully seeing the last days of the greatness of the Murdochs. I think the earlier Murdoch speech may have been written by O'Neill anyway. Unfortunately the Murdochs are apparently going to be replaced by Branson, the oligarchs (as on the Russian TV services now available in Britain), and similar stuff. To prove this matter, you just need to pick up any cheap weekly TV program guide like TVChoice. The only programs worth watching are those on BBC and a very sparse number elsewhere, on Channel 4 with the odd program on Ch 3 and Ch 5. Sky and Virgin are both total crap, and the Russian News programs are so far little more than propaganda. I do not want to pay big sums of money through some license fee to people like Nicholas Parsons ("Nickel-arse Parsons" of "Much Binding in the Marsh" apparently) but at least he talks common sense about Westminster and for that we have to be grateful. Murdoch, Jr. just does pep talk on the meritless Sky.

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