Monday, August 03, 2009

Drones again

An interesting article discussing these and similar matters in "The New Atlantis". They say "to ensure that responsibility falls where it should, there should be clear ways to track the authority in the chain of design, manufacture, ownership, and use of unmanned systems, all the way from the designer and maker to the commanders in the field. ....Not merely scientists, but everyone from theologians (who helped create the first laws of war) to the human rights and arms control communities must start looking at where this technological revolution is taking both our weapons and laws".

IMO: That sort of thing is reasonable enough (UTAP), and many more drones may well sort out Afghanistan, without loss of too many lives. On the US side, we have to remember that so far conscription has not been needed, and more drones may help avoid its actual necessity, in this and other conflicts.

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