Saturday, August 08, 2009

Big cat filmed in Scotland

A photograph of what appears to be a big cat or cougar has been taken by a military policeman in Scotland near Coulport. Varying opinions on this here, here and here.

IMO: Large exotic and dangerous pets were often kept in the UK, the "Woking Lion" is the best known case. This practice has been discontinued, one hopes, though private individuals like Paul Getty till quite recently are known to have kept them. Obviously, there were many strays. Some say that indigenous cougar like animals roam the country and that these are native species not seen much of for thousands of years - the so-called "devil dogs" etc., but there seems little evidence in terms of tracks, roadkill etc. Certainly there were recently a few free leopards in Mumbai, with quite a high human kill rate.

Perhaps more immediately relevant has been the hijacking of the scientific literature to false ends, and workers like Ben Goldacre continuously write on this matter. Two current brief but relatively exemplary pieces about this appears here and here, mainly concerning inappropriare choice of citations etc. One is by Goldacre and the other in the BMJ, mainly about neuroscience.

IMO: The entire subject of physics has gone slightly astray and I try to pursue this matter in my other blog.

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