Wednesday, July 01, 2009

US to consult India on goals in Pak, Afghan

Describing the militancy-infested Pakistan and Afghanistan as "a strategic priority" for the US, a top Obama administration official has said Washington intends to consult India "very closely" on meeting its goals in the region.

IMO: "Education, education and education" is the answer, in both Pakistan and India. India also hopes to start 1500 new universities which will benefit the subcontinent and the USA but even basic education in Pakistan is sadly lacking. Pakistan, particularly, needs substantial improvement. Decent education in Pakistan is essential for any "war on terror". Learning the Koran by heart or working in a suicide bomb factory is not the answer. Desperate parents are sometimes paid for their children's schooling in such places, as the training is short and supposedly ends quickly in Paradise. In Afghanistan, a lot of narcotics is peddled due to corruption, although cash crops would sell abroad.

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