Friday, July 17, 2009

Mamata rushes to please India Inc

Indian Railways ministry has looked to me for some time like a 'poisoned chalice'. WSJ grumble about Banerjee not attacking the deficit enough and suggest that Prasad was being in some ways more successful.

IMO: Prasad was letting the system rot, something which inspires US 'bankers' . The railway system is certainly congested and that will take time to improve.

Banerjee has appointed Sam Pitroda as head of a technical committee to look into the optic fibre laying project alongside railway lines, which is geared towards generating revenue for the railways and has set up an expert committee headed by Amit Mitra of FICCI to plan implementable ways of using railway land for industry and other public-private partnership projects.

IMO: All well so far. I do not like the UK PPP idea and certainly loathe Thatcherite style privatisation, not even successful in the UK in the brief oil boom period, and now showing its true colours there very clearly. After the mess and deterioration left by Prasad, Banerjee is simply doing her best to sort things out and to improve the system at the same time. But it is going to be tough going. Banerjee is in charge of the largest business in the world and should bow to no one for success. Any fool in the UK can watch the program 'Dragon's Den' and surmise how ignorant and greedy investors are, I sympathise with poor Didi. As for private investors, use them by all means but they could not even keep General Motors solvent but had to go whingeing to the US government even for that.

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