Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Google Chrome announced today

The creation of still more operating systems seems just a needless problem to people who don't even want Vista, XP being quite enough with maybe some use of Linuxes.

Seems Chrome will be 'free'. Pundits say this will upset Microsoft's business model.

IMO: Google is a business organisation, it will need to make a profit from the customers somewhere. Possibly at the end of the day this will be by selling other people's information, in a way like Phorm. Who knows ? It appears that Google said for years that they were not going to make a new OS.

According to the UK Guardian "what we've really got here is an example of Google pulling a Microsoft: Creating an unnecessary me-too product that they can use for product tie-ins. All of the features here are present in exisiting browsers, all of them. So what does Google really bring to the table?"

IMO: Chrome looks like becoming a needless way of wasting the customer's valuable time.

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