Tuesday, July 21, 2009

100 more RC child abuse cases

The Irish Gardai investigating allegations against clerical child abusers are now pursuing almost 100 fresh complaints. The new lines of inquiry emerged from the telephone "hotline" set up by gardai in the wake of the publication of the Ryan report in May.

IMO: All this seems such a pity when one bears in mind the important work the RCs have done in the poorer nations of the world. However it must be said that the reputation of the RC in the first world is very bad in this and similar ways. Worse, one wonders whether the non-RC churches are following them down the route to Sodom and Gemorrah. It is not just the 'gay bishops' scandal. None of the churches nowadays even seem to be concerned with the 4th commandment, which I learnt by heart as a child and can still recite it in full, though I had the ideas of more interesting stuff such as Patanjali on my mind. Maybe a few more churches like St. Pixels would liven things up a bit. In a way I feel sympathy for churches like the Westboro Baptist Church, the degree of righteous anger is very well understood though the sentiments seem harsh and possibly inappropriate. The Westboro Baptist Church website http://www.godhatesfags.com/ seems to have been refused access in the UK. One cannot question authority in a fascist undemocratic country like the UK which seems to bar such websites with the idea that they may"hurt people's feelings" and proper free speech seems to have disappeared in the UK, for example we see how McBride's statements were self-righteously crushed by the apparently paranoid Supreme Leader, soon to be sacked.

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