Sunday, June 14, 2009

Medical costs the leading cause of U.S. bankruptcies

At least 62 percent of all U.S. family bankruptcies result from medical expenses, reports a study released yesterday in The American Journal of Medicine—an increase from the 46 percent the researchers found in 2001.

"Unless you're Warren Buffett, your family is just one serious illness away from bankruptcy," study author and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School David Himmelstein said in a statement.

IMO: One reason it may have been a good idea to elect Obama was that he should have had a sense of this, and ended it quickly. USA is the only country in Western world, AFAIK, in this position. A US national scandal ! FAIK, Iran is better, certainly China and India are and the problem was effectively ended in the UK about 50 years ago by the honest hardworking politician Beveridge. The crooks (particularly Tory crooks) running the UK now are on the way to bringing the problem back in the UK. I can think of half a dozen ways USA could end this problem - but will it ?

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