Tuesday, June 09, 2009

LxLabs boss found hanged

The boss of Indian software firm LxLabs was found dead in a suspected suicide on Monday. Reports of the death of K T Ligesh, 32, come in the wake of the exploitation of a critical vulnerability in HyperVM, a virtualization application made by LXLabs, to wipe out data on 100,000 sites hosted by the UK web hosting firm VAserv.

Typical UK comment: "It's easy to be one of those that doesn't really care, produce a shoddy product and when it fails just rely on courts to make sure it doesn't affect your revenue, but taking that amount of personal pride and responsibility for a task to the extent that it'll push you that far.. i suspect the world's lost one of the good guys."

IMO: That is India. You get suicides that all the time, especially in rural areas. It is such a pity. Maybe people like Mamata Banerjee will help things generally. It seems to me to be caused by some of the appalling problems in India, very often due to forces outside India (one could name Saudi Arabia, China, USA , poor old moronic fellow victim Pakistan even, but the list seems almost endless) or wrongfully competing people like CPI(Marxist) and their allies in India (it is not an election comment, Indian election long over, just an observation of unfortunate fact).

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