Friday, June 12, 2009


The "Economic Times" has a good article on Kashmir.

Resume: "The aim of the forces that are spearheading the agitation for the withdrawal of the law from J&K is not protection of human rights, but to bring the whole political and administrative system into disrepute. The same forces succeeded in inflaming peoples’ sentiments over a non-issue of “allotment’ of land to the Amarnath Shrine Board only recently. It is indeed amazing that the AFSPA has become an issue in a state where the whole criminal justice system is under great threat from these subversive forces. The so-called enquiry by the self-proclaimed representatives of the legal fraternity without observing even the most elementary rules for holding a fair enquiry is an example of what is happening in the state.

However, as the AFSPA has become an emotive issue being exploited by the ‘jehadi’ forces, there may be a case for reviewing it and even replacing it with a more acceptable law that will take care of the ground situation and the concerns of the armed forces without giving ammunition to these forces to further the ‘jehadi’ agenda. It is time that all democratic forces join in the battle against jehadi terror. They should draw the right lessons from what is happening in our neighbourhood."

IMO: It is with deep regret that I learn how things are in Kashmir. It is only yesterday that I even heard accidentally on the BBC while listening to a program about a new book on Kashmir the old news that some houseboats are now sunk. These houseboats, and the boatmen, used to be terrific, I preferred them to a 5 star hotel. Lets hope Mr Chidambaram makes improvements, rather than the opposite. But what is needed is to forget the idea of additional Kashmiri independence, even within India, for the forseeable future until Pakistan either wises up or simply ceases to exist due to terrorism, false Islam, and foreign moneyseeking entrepreneurs, mainly US and AlQaeda infidels and misrepresenters of the faith of Islam. Also, how about financial compensation for the very nearly successful genocide of the Hindu Kashmiri minority ?

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