Sunday, June 28, 2009

Balls admits contact with ex-spin doctor

Observer 29 June: 'Ed Balls has become the first senior Labour politician to admit being in touch with Damian McBride, the disgraced spin doctor, following his resignation over attempts to smear senior Tories'.

IMO: As I have suggested earlier, 'where there's smoke there's fire' is not a possibility to be ignored. All the MPs seem to be totally suspect by now. And none of them really seem to want to give the UK a referendum over the constitution. Obviously, Iran seems in the UK to have become a world disgrace in democratic terms, but the UK should bear in mind John Ch8v7 in this regard. Iran will not have forgotten Moussadeq and can't the UK politicans at least clean up their own house and allow the electorate a referendum over Brussels.

Someone added: And all the pubs at the Westminster Parliament should be closed. MPs often seem drunk and mentally unbalanced even on TV commons broadcasts. Half the public seem to be drunks or cocaine addicts (186,000 women cocaine users in London alone) but some want decent conduct and justice.

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