Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Westminster surveillance

UK Tory leader David Cameron would welcome some key technological changes to the way that Parliament makes its business available to the public. That is just one thrust of proposals for modernising government, which he set out in a speech to the Open University in Milton Keynes, yesterday.

IMO: That is a mininum surveillance requirement. At the very least, details of all Westminster meetings should be televised and all bars or retreats in Parliament House where alcoholic liquors may be imbibed, should be televised as well, just as security cameras are used on road users. We all want to keep track, as well as we can as to how the criminals at Westminster are wasting our money and drinking themselves to death in the process. The worst drunks could be made to join alcoholics anonymous and/or fired, for the sake of the nation and the good of their health. Many more such useful practices could also be adopted. Watching your drunken MP on Youtube could become an interesting national pastime, particularly educative to young children.

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