Sunday, May 03, 2009

Undermining Gordon Brown

With the lack of much real political talent evident in the UK, "Undermining Gordon Brown" is not exactly "Finding Nemo" I'm afraid. The former leader of the Labour party Neil Kinnock has warned Labour MPs that further undermining of Gordon Brown's leadership would boost the British National party (BNP) in the European elections.

IMO: Hm, he may be right. But it looks like Brown should go, nonetheless, as he can't get it right in the UK, though he looks OK on the world stage. For example, a lot of what McBride was trying to say about the Tories looked like it could be true, as a careful reading of Private Eye and the like show. The punters may never know. We are obviously in a "he would say that, wouldn't he ?" style situation with all these chaps in all parties, many of whom seem to be simply mulcting the funds for no real value.

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