Friday, May 01, 2009

Sacha Baron Cohen scars Paula Abdul for life

American Idol judge Paula Abdul was last year duped into believing she was to be interviewed by a German TV crew "after winning an artist of the year award for her singing", the Telegraph explains. In fact, she was destined to be stitched up like a kipper by Cohen. She was forced to sit on an "underpaid Spanish gardener" etc. I imagine that when she appears in the movie it will seem most amusing.

IMO: Those American Idol judges are obvious butts of humour. I wholeheartedly approve. Pity it wasn't Simon Cowell. Usually such people try to laugh it off afterwards of course but usually it hurts them as much as it should. Kazakhstan tried to laugh off Borat, but I understand that the forced closure of Sacha AliG Baron Borat Cohen's website has been listed by the US State Department as an example of the Kazakhstani government's restrictions on freedom of speech and other human rights abuses.

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