Friday, May 15, 2009

Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper flipped three times

Thanks to Guido (and the Telegraph) we know that it appears that Ed Balls fiddled millions of the taxpayers money.

IMO: Fred the Shred stand aside ! The troughies have a new hero !

IMO: Hm, I am not left wondering why these new Casinos were so popular with New Labor. We are still being advised to gamble, gamble, gamble and to go and get drunk by the media. Mathematically gambling is nonsense and even if you find a way round that like Packard did, or try card-counting for example, you are likely to be beaten up or killed by the Government Mafia and at best will be barred from casinos. The UK has become a criminal mire and a floating gin palace, not a country, thanks to corrupt politicians but we can still vote on June 4th. I am an honest, decent citizen who does not drink alcohol, smoke or gamble so naturally attempts have already been made to kill me because of the personal greed of others and when I complained to a local MP (Tory as it happened) I naturally was not helped. The MPs are making the UK a place for decent people to loathe.

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