Friday, May 08, 2009

Biological Altruism, Hamilton's Rule and British MPs Expenses

If this were a paper and not a brief blog one could write reams on this, I dare say.

Countless volumes of scholarly works have been produced to claim its victory over “the problem of altruism.” When you think about it however, it’s a particularly hollow victory. For what’s happened is that altruism has been redefined to suit a purpose. Of course I'm thinking of the dodgy "Hamilton's equation", "greed is good", Thatcherism (a modern variant of social Darwinism) and all the rest of it.

What sort of person sees altruism as a problem? The short answer is a sociopath.

What sort of people call in the cops because a crime has been uncovered ? UK MPs.

What sort of people are UK MPs ? The short answer is sociopaths.

But why write at length ? The EU is even worse. Why did the UK not get a choice over a European constitution ? Because of UK MP sociopaths.

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