Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Is UK a nation of nosepickers ?

According to the UK Times, Gordon Brown’s YouTube message on MPs’ expenses has been watched 4,000 times. The video of Gordon Brown picking his nose has been watched 630,000 times.

IMO: It seem to me that whether or not we agree with Brown's proposals on MPs expenses, it would be useful to know what they are and how they might be improved. The viewing statistics might show something interesting here for the alienists and spin doctors.

It has also been said that huge numbers of people signed an e-petition for Gordon Brown to resign, Guido Fawkes suggested that this number might top a million. In fact the Telegraph suggests that only about 20,000 have so far signed, and I think we don't know whether these were signed by Tories anyway.

IMO: It was Labor who introduced the e-petition, for what that is worth.

Fawkes cites the apparent fact that George Osborne is now claiming Gordon Brown is insane and that in the past he has said he is "autistic" - a slur on real autists.

I note from Private Eye for 1st May that after all, much of what McBride has said about Osborne and his involvement with prostitutes seems to be true, and furthermore, STD and wouldbe leader Cameron seem somewhat intertwined.

IMO: It can now be argued that Gordon Brown will win the next election, as his nosepicking videos are doing better than the sex videos his cabinet ministers allegedly watch, paid for by taxpayers. All he now has to do is to show a video of him crapping on Fred Goodwin's head as part of his election manifesto. Or perhaps another simple nosepicking video will do. It will show that he is truly "a man of the people".

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